MiKenko Doctor
Practice Management system for Doctors
Doctors can seamlessly manage their day to day clinic digitally by MiKenko
- using Mobile and Web.
Doctors can set up
- Practice Management
- Appointment Management
- Consultation Fee
- Clinical Pharmacy Management
Registration and Profile
- Register with a secured login method using Mobile Number and MPIN
Doctors can update
- Basic Information
- Registration Detail
- Experiance
- Education
- Specialization
- Define consultation fee
Practice Management
Own Clinic
Add Clinic/Staff
- Setting up multiple clinics, primary and secondary clinic
- Assign the staff, their respective access (Appointment/Payment) to the clinic
Slot Creation
- Define the availability by clinic wise, day wise or session wise for easy access of his customers
Types of consultations the doctor offers to his customer
- Schedule Online – Available via online to his/her MiKenko customers
- Schedule In person – Available for consultation in respective clinics
- Walk In - Customer walks-in to clinic for treatment with out appointment booking
Practice Management
Visiting Clinic
Add Doctor/Staff
Chief Doctor can
- Set up details of Visiting/Duty Doctor
- Assign the staff and their respective access
- Doctor can assign the staff, their respective access (Appointment/Payment) to the Visiting/Duty Doctor
Slot Creation
- Chief Doctor can define his Visiting/Duty Doctors availability by clinic wise, day wise or session wise for easy access of his customers
Types of consultations the doctor offers to his customer
- Schedule Online – Available via online to his MiKenko customers
- Schedule In person – Available for consultation in respective clinics
- Walk In - Customer walks-in to clinic for treatment with out appointment booking
Appointment Management
To view current/completed appointments provide prescription, to suggest follow up and blocking slots.
Doctor are able to view
- Current/upcoming appointments from their patients
- Completed appointments in Date wise along with the Patient’s history
- Digital prescription is given in the app and the same will be visible to patient
Follow up
- Provision to schedule a follow up visit
Blocking Slot
- Provision to inform the customer about his/her unavailability on a particular day/session/clinic
Payment Integration
- Appointments will be confirmed post the payment completion by the customer, and the same will be credited to the Doctors' account in 24hrs
Own Clinic
Doctors can view
- Daily/Appointment wise settlement
- Payment Status
- Settlement status
Visiting Clinic
Visibility on
- Visiting clinic consultation fee status
- Payment status of duty/visiting doctors for chief doctor
Walk In
- To view the daily walk In consultation fee statement along with the patient information
Clinical Pharmacy
Doctor can manage their pharmacy within the clinic digitally using MiKenko Pharmacy.
- A Detailed Summary and dashboard which will show the Inventory count and sales
Inventory Management
- Automated stock upload based on the billing from Stockist
- Easy upload using excel spredsheet
- Alerts on the Expiry medicines
- Paper free environment
- Bill via SMS to the customer
- Easy track of Cash and Credit bill
Returns Management
- Easy monitoring of non saleable and Expiry Returns
- Create the Return note and select the Medicines details digitally and share the same to respective stockist and digitally receives the Credit note once Stockist accepts the Return
Detailed reports on
- Daily Sales
- Payment againg
- Profitability Day/month/year wise